The RSGSA is your Graduate Student Organization! We represent the academic and social needs of the Religious Studies and Classics Graduate students in the wider context of uOttawa.

The RSGSA also organizes social events, such as movie and trivia nights, coffee hours, and friendly competitions, to foster a community spirit within the Department, and it also keeps our fellow students informed of important issues. We send out emails to inform our members of upcoming events and changes within the department.

The RSGSA hosts a discussion series once or twice a year, called the “Critical Inquiries in Classics and Religious Studies Conference” better known as CICRS (pronounced ‘kickers’). All students and professors are invited to participate in these sessions. CICRS is an ideal forum for students to present their work to their peers in an informal and supportive academic setting. We send out a formal invitation prior to the conference, so keep an eye out!